Archive for the 'Charity' Category

RLF Goal Met!

Friday, April 11th, 2008

Thanks to 3 very supportive people I have made my RLF fundraising goal already!  How awesome is that!  I am very thankful to my friends for helping me reach it.  I didn’t expect to get there so quickly.  I know $100 is not a lot, but since I am bad at asking people for donations it has really worked out for me.

I took a couple Terracycle boxes to work and posted a message on our electronic bulletin board asking for donations.  I have been very successful so far!  I am really excited about that.  I am hoping to branch out and put up some more boxes to get some more donations.  😀

Relay for Life

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

It has been a while since I participated in a Relay for Life.  There was that whole year where we almost got struck my lightening…anyway!  My friend Dana is getting together a team and I decided to bite thg bullet and give the ACS another chance.  Those that know me know I am really bad that this stuff, but if you have some change lying around and want to sponsor me that would be really awesome.  Here’s a linky:  Katie’s Donation Page  I decided to kick start myself on getting to my $100 goal by putting in $30 of it myself. 

New Red Shoes

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Saturday I dragged my buns over to Holabird Sports to get myself some new running shoes.  I knew mine were on their last legs since they had dragged me through my full marathon training as well as the marathon.  I estimated over 270 miles were put on those shoes and that is more than enough to wear them down.

I noticed on the Holabird site that my favorite shoe appeared to be red now and I was slightly disappointed.  Last seasons colors had my shoes a nice purple and navy.  They were right up my alley.  I wasn’t looking forward to the red.

Luckily when the shoes came out from the stockroom I was pleasantly surprised to find that they weren’t really red.  They were more of a maroon with orange accents.  They actually were pretty cool looking.  I bought 2 pairs as well as my first running skirt.  🙂

This morning I took one of the pairs out for an easy 5K.  My legs were a good bit tight during the first mile and a half, but my ankle wasn’t bothering me as much as I thought it would.  That makes me think that my ankle pain wasn’t really helped on Sunday by the lack of support left in my shoes. 

I need to go out to the local running store in two weeks to pick up a race packet and I plan to take a bag of old running shoes with me to donate to charity.  They have bins out front of the store for you to drop your old running shoes in.  They will be going to a good cause.  It is nice to know that after they have helped me they will go on to help someone else too. 

1 More Mile to go!

Monday, August 6th, 2007

1 more mile to go and I will be at the mileage I need to be to be prepped for my 1/2 marathon in September.  I did 9 miles on the track this past weekend.  I didn’t go counter-clockwise as much as I did last time though.  At one point it was just too crowded and I didn’t feel comfortable doing it. 

On to one of my pet peeves.  Throwing cigarette butts out the window.  Honestly, it is none of my business what people do with their own bodies.  If they wish to smoke cancer sticks, then they are more than welcome to.  I just ask that A. you don’t blow smoke in my face when I walk past you on the sidewalk and B. you don’t treat the world as your own personal ash tray.  That means stop throwing your still like cigarettes out the window when you finish with it.  It is littering and it is against the law.  I witnesses at least 3 women doing this very thing this morning.  To me it is just evidence that people are far too lazy.  If you can’t clean out the ash tray in your car from time to time then you are too lazy to smoke.    I might get some flack for this, but I had to clean cigarettes out a group of planters in a courtyard at VJC once in order to make the planters suitable for the flowers we were trying to plant.  It was digusting and the worst part was that there are several ash trays scattered throughout that particular court yard.  People were just too lazy to get up and walk 3 feet to put their trash where it belonged.

$$$ Race For a Cure $$$

Wednesday, August 17th, 2005

I am going to try to use my popularity as an internet celebrity (I can dream can’t I?) for a good cause. I am running in the Susan G Komen Foundations Race For A Cure to help fight breast cancer. It is hard to throw a rock now-a-days without hitting someone that has been touched by this dreaded disease. I lost my Great Aunt Annie to breast cancer just a few short years ago. There is hope though. Great foundations like the Susan G Komen Foundation are fighting for a cure, but they need our help. By clicking here and sponsoring me for just a few dollars you can help me to help this great organization.