Archive for the 'Books' Category

1 in 8.2 Million

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

Yes, I admit it.  I was one of the 8.2 million fans to purchase Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows within the first 24 hours of its release.  In fact I was one in however many to purchase it within the first hour of release then rush home and to start reading so that I could have it done before anyone else spoiled it for me.  I think it was a very fitting end to the saga.  I am not in morning for the end of the series either.  Rowling left me feeling satisfied that the story could end.  Let’s face it I am getting too old to keep camping out at midnight for the books, lol.

So I have been nursing a stomach thing on and off for the last week.  As we speak my stomach is starting to bubble again.  I have also been nursing some tendonitis.  Between the two my running has really sufferred.  I plan to go home and run tonight though.  The weather is absolutely beautiful for it and I won’t let my ankle stand in my way, though I will ice it before and after and take some antiinflammatories as well.  😉