Archive for the 'Product Review' Category

It’s Never Too Cold for a Skirt

Monday, October 20th, 2008

At least I think that is what was thinking when the designed the Tough Girl Running Skirt.  I think I’ve actually wanted a Tough Girl longer than I’ve wanted a regular running skirt.  When Andi pointed out that  had last year’s colors on sale and I just couldn’t resist giving both the black and the pink a try. 

I found the boot cut of the legs to be rather flattering, even if I do say so myself.   The skirt allows you to wear traditional winter tights with the modesty of extra booty coverage.  When out on the run they did a great job of keeping me warm and were super comfy.  I found the pants a little long and and ended up rolling the cuffs up a little bit this morning to make sure I didn’t run on them.   I also have to say the black pair does a great job of complementing my thief outfit (as my father likes to call it).  By the way the bottom of the black hat I am wearing in the picture on the right is not white.  It just does a really good job of being reflective.

This is how Flirtini rolls…

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

This morning I decided to take the Flirtini out for a run.  I even took a picture for you all.


This picture is multifacited.  It is a gansta picture for J-Mom, a bathroom shot for Marcy, shows off Flirtini and also includes a very dimly lit guest appearance from the Tilliemonster laying on the floor in the doorway behind me. 

I can’t believe I am actually going to share this, but since Marcy said it is the only way to roll, I decided to head out the door this morning in my skirt with built in compression shorts sans skivies. 

The Flirtini is an older style than the black skirt I ran in two days ago.  The cut of the shorts doesn’t have the nifty control panel built in and is short one pocket, but the wasteband does seem to sit higher and actually act like a wasteband.  The skirt fit much nicer than the black one, but the shorts still did the ride up a little then stop thing that I experience with the running skirts shorts. 

I rather enjoyed my run in my skirt, but I think next time I will include the skivies.  I think they might cut down on that constant wedgie feeling I was getting from the ill place seam in my compression shorts.

Skirt Sports Skirt Review

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Yesterday I took my first of two Skirt Sports Skirts out for a run.  The one I chose first was my black one because I am not sure I am ready to sport the Flirtini skirt just yet.  When Ifirst tried the skirt on it made me really self conscious.  The skirt and shorts are both shorter than the ones offerred by Running Skirts.  The shorts I found to be better as it comes to compressions shorts in that they were actually compressing my leg.  This helped when actually out on the run because they stayed put.  I think in the end the position to which my running skirts shorts rode up ended up being to the same height as my skirt sports shorts started.  In the end both will require a little body glide just to ensure no adverse effects, but I can handle that.

The big difference between the two skirts is the wasteband.  That is the Running Skirts skirt actually has one and the Skirts Sports rides so low it is almost like not having one.  They actually are at two extremes.  The Running Skirts skirt actually required me to turn down the wasteband as it was too high.  However, if you watch the videos on the site that is the way the way they were designed.  I certainly am not complaining because I usually turn down the band on my running shorts anyway.  The Skirts Sports lack there of in wasteband will take some getting used to.  The the combo of my skirt not having a wasteband and my moisture wicking underwear having one left me with the sensation several times on my run yesterday that I was losing my skirt.  I am sure the guy that was running behind me yesterday found if amusing when I stopped suddenly and reached down to grab the skirt that I thought was retreating below my buttocks only to find that it was still there.  I might actually need to go comando in this skirt to rid myself of the sensation.  I will probably instead just work on trusting that the skirt isn’t abandonimg me mid-run.  One big bonus of the skirts sports skirt is that there is a tummy control panel built into the front of the compression shorts.  However I did find that this “bonus” increased the likelyhood of having a muffin top and having my skirt drop under my tummy roll. 

I am torn because I like the fit of the skirt part of the Running Skirts article better and the shorts part of the Skirts Sports article better.   If I could get the Skirt Sports shorts with the Running Skirts skirt I would be a happy girl.  Instead I am going to work on losing weight so that the skirt on the Skirts Sports skirt looks a little more flattering and until then I will wear long shirts to cover any unattractive bits of my anatomy.Â