Archive for June, 2004

Fish today…gone tomorrow.

Monday, June 7th, 2004

This weekend I went out and bought some betta fish and the tank I discussed in my last post. In less than 24 hours both of the fish were dead. I am going to Petco tonight with a sample of water from the tank and the dead fish so that they can try to help me figure out what killed them. I think it was the tank. They said having them in such close proximity without them being able to get at each other can put them into a state of distress. Also from some reading I did last night the tank filter system created a bit of a current at the top of the tank which may have made it difficult for them to breath. If that is the case I am going to complain to the management that they shouldn’t advertise this tank as being betta friendly when obviously it is not. Then I am going to go somewhere else and buy some different fish for that tank. I am thinking of giving Exotic Aquatics a try. They are a fish specialty store and will hopefully find the right fish for me and my tank.

Growing family…

Thursday, June 3rd, 2004

I have always loved fish and decided that when I bought my house I was going to get a small fish tank and some finned friends. I don’t want something overly complicated to start off with, and I have always been a big fan of bettas, so I have decided to go that route. Their beautiful blues should go nicely in my sun room, which is where I want to put the tank. I picked out this tank which comes with a partition so that you can seperate the fish and stop them from harming each other. They also say that by keeping the bettas in close proximity you encourage them to be more active and colorful, so I think they tank will work great. So now I need to get the tank and get two bettas. I have decided that I am going to name them Jekyl and Hyde. I think the names are indicative of the general nature of the betta fish: they are bright and beautiful creatures, but get two of them in a tank and watch their territorial nature take over.


Thursday, June 3rd, 2004

Oops… :blush: In all the confusion of the move and graduation and such I managed to miss a birthday that I knew was coming up and somehow it still slipped my mind. My bad…

Happy Belated Birthday Nick!

I hope it was a good one. I owe you a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing (your mother’s recipe of course). 😀

Work Games

Thursday, June 3rd, 2004

There has always been a back and forth sort of struggle between ourselves and our counterparts for one of our other organizations. The tension keeps building up because there is a chance that we may be merged in the future, which may mean a consolidation and people will either be transferred or laid-off. One of the girls from the other group is having to use our group as back-up for one of her reports. When they came over they made a specific request for a person in our team, which happens to be one of the two people that does not do reporting. My boss found this odd and has made the assumption that they don’t want me working on the report because they fear I will increase the efficiency of it and make the girl look bad. So my boss in return is forcing me to be the girls back-up and she outright challenged me yesterday and is telling me to go ahead and make the report as efficient as I possibly can. Sigh, let the games begin?

Sigh…back to the daily grind.

Tuesday, June 1st, 2004

Today I am back at work and my lovely vacation is over. I enjoyed playing house for the weekend. I washed my kitchen floor and washed out some of my new tupperware. I cooked dinner on Sunday for Dad and Pop. They are coming over again tonight along with my brother and I am making some pizzas. I picked up some Boboli crusts and want to use them before they go bad.

The dog is starting to adjust. We make new friends every day as we walk through the neighborhood. She meets some dogs and I meet some owners. It is actually working out pretty nice. She is my walking conversation piece. Today the monster is spending her first day at daycare with Pop. Needless to say she is still a little confused, but I think she is going to do just fine.

This weekend I have plans to go see the Harry Potter movie. I am actually going to see it twice. :blush: I know, I know I am a dork, but I loves me some Harry Potter!