What is a K80K?

Katie and TillieYou’ve stumbled into my little corner of the internet and unless you know me from some other place you are probably wondering what exactly a K80K is. Well I’m a K80K, or more specifically a Katie-K. K being the first initial of my middle name. My alter-ego was given me to my friend Joe, a.k.a. Apok of SkullzDotOrg, and it was inspired by a line from The Shining by Stephen King.

Now that you know what a K80K is you are probably wondering why she needs a corner of the internet all to herself anyway. I maintain my site for a number of different reasons:
1. Blogging – it’s what computer geeks do best.
2. Resume posting and links to coding work.
3. Keeping in touch with friends and family.
4. Sharing my weights loss journey.

So, sit back and relax and enjoy your stay here at K80K.com. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line or send me an IM. I love hearing from people. Reassures me that I am not just doing this because I like to read about myself.

E-Mail: katie@k80K.com
AIM: TillieMonster
MSN: kkriley78@hotmail.com
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/k80kdotcom
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