Archive for the 'Exercise' Category

New Mission Time

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Well I accomplished my last mission: finishing a full marathon.  My next mission will be to lose the weight I gained while acheiving my previous mission. 

I started out this morning by running 2.5 miles on the treadmill.  It felt good to get back to running.  My raw heels and black toe didn’t bother me as much as I thought they would.  Tomorrow I will conquer my first FIRM workout in probably 2 months.  It is going to be fun. 

After my workout this morning I planned my food for the remainder of the day.  I’ve stayed on track so far.  One thing that is helping is not keeping money on me that would eventually be donated to the snack machine in exchange for some extra weight around the stomach.  😉

April 12 – Exercise Journal

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Reporting in with 2 miles done today…again on the treadmill.  The weather hopefully will be better for running outside in the next week or so.  Tomorrow might end up being a rest day because I have a concert I am going to in the evening.   I am thinking of moving my cross training to Saturday and doing Jiggle Free Arms from the FIRM along with my 1 mile run.

April 11 – Exercise Journal

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Finally returned to weight training after my back injury today.  Felt good to pick up some weights but I am now very aware of how week I have become.  Decided to start off with Tracie Long Training Endurance for Movement.  One of my favorites.  I can tell my abs and glutes are going to be sore tomorrow.

April 10 – Exercise Journal

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

Ran 2 miles tonight.  The were harder than the 3 yesterday, but I expected them to be.  I did have NCIS to carry me through though.  😀

April 9 – Exercise Journal

Monday, April 9th, 2007

Finally ran 3 miles today. Had to do it on the treadmill though because it was too dark out by the time I got around to it. Felt really good, but my back is a little tight so I think yoga will be called for in the morning tomorrow.