Friday, October 5th, 2007Yesterday in the mail arrived a shiny new Idaho qaurter from the Denver mint care of my buddy Pat. I ran straight upstairs and stuck it into my qaurter map. It looks right at home. I will have to post a pick of the quarter map with Idaho present and accounted for when I get a chance. Now I am down to needing Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Wyoming from the Denver mint. Yes, Wyoming is a new one on the list. I hadn’t realized that it was released until yesterday when I got a new one from the Philadelphia mint from the nice lady at Subway. She is the best source for new qaurters. :)Â
This morning I did a light Pilates workout. I want to try to run tonight but it probably won’t happen until tomorrow morning after I drop the dog off at the groomers. Tomorrow is also car washing day because my car is in more need of a grooming than the dog is at this point. Coincedentally part of the reason it needs a grooming is the dog. Go figure!