Archive for the 'FIRM' Category

Oops, I thought you said the 11th…

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

My weekend didn’t work out exactly as I had planned.  I wasn’t feeling well when I got up on the 10th so I postponed my 10K to the 11th.  I had my memories as a pacer as I reflected back on my life.  Pulled off a pretty good time of 1:15:19.  That is an average pace of 12:08.  Apologies for not having much of a race report.

This week has already been a long one and it is only Wednesday.  I haven’t been tracking my food very well, but I also haven’t been going overboard.  Work has been stressful and in addition to that my Mom’s Uncle has been really sick.  Unfortunately it is not expected for him to make it through the weekend.

This weekend is the Relay for Life and another SkullzDotMarathon featuring Indiana Jones.  Harrison Ford….*drool*

I have been sticking to my workouts and I think that is keeping me sane.  I started a new rotation when I returned from FL last week.  It spends the first 3 weeks with lots of sculpting targetting a differnent area each week.  Last week was upper body, this week is lower body and next week is abs.  I think it is really helping me stay on track.

WAA Day 6 – FIRMing it up(per)!

Friday, February 1st, 2008

Day 6 is not looking good so far.  We are having some freezing rain the in area.  Hopefully it will be gone by tonight so I can get Tillie out for some quality time.  Luckily today was not a running day.  In fact my goal was to give the lower body a break, so I dug through my FIRM collection.  I did the Upper Body portion of Super Body Sculpt and Jiggle Free Arms.  Needless to say the arms were shaking a bit towards the end of that.  Then I decided to work the abs too, but wasn’t in the mood for crunches so I did the Standing Abs portion of Core Solutions.  Unfortunately SBS and CS are not cardio workouts.  Jiggle Free Arms is though so I can convert that to 1 mile for WAA.

Another Half

Saturday, January 26th, 2008

I have been really wanting to do the Shamrock Half Marathon in Virginia Beach for a couple years now. Last night Dad and I were talking about how he has to go there for work and I was trying to talk him into going for St. Patrick’s weekend so that I could run the half. Unfortunately the race is sold out. I decided that it was a good time frame for me to do a half in, so I did some searching and found myself a half on March 2nd to do. That throws a bit of a wrench into my training rotation I have been working on, but it will definitely help with the mileage for Walk Across Arizona.

I have added a ticker for Walk Across Arizona to the upper right corner of the screen. So starting tomorrow I will be updating my mileage to it as I go. I am planning for 6 miles tomorrow.

As for today it is a FIRMing day. Still haven’t decided what workout I am doing. Might just wing it when I get down there. 😀 I don’t want to do something too lower body heavy so that I don’t have any issues with my run tomorrow.

Oh FIRMing How I Missed You

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008

This morning I made my triumphant return to my FIRM workouts.  I really have missed them.  I decided to do High Def Sculpt with Annie.  I am going to be so sore tomorrow, but it will be that good sore.  That I did something really good for my body sore.  🙂

I started to compile a training rotation for the next 17 weeks last night.  The 27th marks the beginning of the Walk Across Arizona and I wanted to make sure I could achieve my goal of 410 miles for the 16 week period.  Looks like it will be tough, but doable.  I am still tweaking my plan, but as soon as I have it figured out I will post it.

Hello Me!

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Last night when I got home my phone, internet and On Demand were not working.  I decided to give Comcast the night to get things working again.  When I got up this morning one of the first things I did was check to see if On Demand was working again.  I found an episode of Blood Ties I hadn’t seen before and decided to watch it.  When the credits started rolling I hit exit on my remote to leave the On Demand window.  As soon as the menu exited the TV switched back to the regularly scheduled programming on the channel I was tuned into.  There on my TV was me talking about the FIRM.  I just started laughing.  It was the first time anything like that happened to me.  I had to call Dad right away and share the story.