Archive for the 'Websites' Category

Lets Try This One More Time

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

In 400 days and 14 hours I will be standing on an alter ready to a big step in my life as I become Mrs. Katie Riley-Schwarz.  That journey will not only include becoming a new wife but also a new Mom as I become part of a family that includes a beautiful and intelligent 9 year old girl and a handsome and vivacious 5 year old boy.  I have always told myself that I wanted to be healthy before I became a Mom so that I did not raise children with the same bad habits that have caused me to battle my weight my entire life. 

Sitting here looking over my blog I can see the amazing journey I took back in 2006 and how healthy I became.  I have struggled since then as my weight crept back up on me.  I take responsibility for the bad choices I made and I recognize that I am the one to blame for weight I have put back on.  As I look towards October 25, 2012 I know where I want to be on that day and what kind of example I want to set for my future step-kids.  That starts with the next breath I take.

So my first step is looking back at what made that original journey so successful and this blog was a HUGE part of that as well as the support of my online weightloss community.  Now is the time to set myself up for success.  Now is the time for to be brought back to life to document the next chapter in my life.  So hello old friends!  I have missed you!

It’s About Time!

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

I fixed the images on the static pages I had on the site.  There are still some missing from the blogs but I fear some of them are gone and lost forever because K80K has not be diligent about backing up her hard drive. 

The new PC arrived just before I left for Disney World and I mean “just”.  My parents carried the boxes in the door while I carried my suit cases back out.  I didn’t get a chance to set up the new PC till last night and then I had to search my backup discs to see what exactly I had stored. 

I am loving having a new computer.  Who knew that you could hit a power button and just like the PC was available for your!?!  I had a 5-10 minute boot up on my old PC.  I have harvested various pieces from my old PC.  I snagged the video card, memory and wireless modem.  I have plans for them.  The rest will be going back to Dell for recycling.  🙂


Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

IOU, my reading public that may still be around, three race reports:
Bulle Rock 5K Turkey Trot
Celtic Solstice 5 Miler
WDW Marathon Weekend

Good news is that I have a new computed sitting in a box in my living room.  When I get home I will cut throught he packing tape, set up the new box, get the photos off my camera and get to workon those blogs.  Promise! 

Right now I am still in Disney World.  I fly home tomorrow afternoon and then it is back to work.  Blech!

Pics Still Missing

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

Some pictures are still missing from the site.  It is all my fault…no not just that they got deleted in the first place.  I broke the cardinal rule of web development on my own site – keep back-ups of everything.  The pictures I originally downloaded to my work laptop and then FTP’d them to the website.  Since I am not really supposed to use the work laptop for personal stuff I deleted the originals off of my work laptop.  SO the originals are gone.  I will need to redownload them from my camera to my home PC and FTP them back up again.  That will take some time since I am still working extra at work. 

In the meantime I haven’t let work interfere with my workouts.  Yay me!  In fact they have been really consistent the last few weeks.  Wish I could say the same thing about my eating.  My favorite burrito place that closed was replaced by an Italian Bistro that has a really tastey sweet tomato sauce.  I have been making my way through the specials, which have been making their way to my waste line.  I plan to concentrate on the eating starting Friday.  I mean, come on, you can’t expect me to fix something it the day before Thanksgiving can you?

Help a Brother Out

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Or more specifically, help my brother out: