Archive for April, 2004

The End

Thursday, April 29th, 2004

Today is the day (provided that I passed my exam on Tuesday :blush: ) that my graduate school education is done and the rest of my life begins. I had a little taste of freedom yesterday and felt a little lost. I went out to dinner with my big-bro where we did some bonding and ate some Outback. Then I went home and didn’t know what to do with myself. I moved a couple boxes that Mom packed up from the basement and watched a little TV. Luckily Nick came to the rescue just before bed time and provided some distraction else I probably would have gone insane. Well actually, I probably would have just read some Harry Potter and fallen asleep, but that doesn’t sound as dramatic.

This weekend I have stacked myself up with a nice full plate. Saturday I take my paper weight that I have been storing in the basement out for a spin. Lachrymose and myself will be making our way up to the rail trail so that I can break in my bike and my new, color-coordinated, Camelbak. Sunday Melissa, Abby and I are going to Hershey Park for the annual Verizon Pioneers Day. This will be my third year in a row going, and my second going with Abby and Melissa. It was so much fun watching Abby on the rides last year, and now that she is just that much older it will probably be just that much more fun. 😀

Ok, I am off to do some work today. We have are having a work picnic today to just try to boost some moral. Fun fun… :crazy:

My Brain Hurts

Wednesday, April 28th, 2004

Thanks to everyone for the luck and well wishes on the exam last night. I must say it was an extremely painful experience. I felt pretty confident walking in the door then when I actually started to flip through the exam it was brought to light exactly how little I knew. I e-mailed the teacher already this morning asking when he would have our grades together.

Today I get to spend the day calling around and rescheduling the delivery for my furniture. I think my plans now are to do the actual moving of furniture from my parent’s house to mine on Sunday, May 23rd. I am still hoping to be able to use pizza to bribe people to help me move my stuff. If I can get a certain someone to help me move then I will also have cake to bribe people with since that is his birthday. 😉

I figure I can move the stuff from my parent’s house on that Sunday because none of it will be going into rooms I need to paint. The rest of the stuff I will try to have delivered on Tuesday or Wednesday, so that I have a least 2 days to try to get some painting done before the stuff comes in. We will see how that goes.

Distracting Myself from Studying

Monday, April 26th, 2004

So I decided to take a little break from studying and let you all know that I finally have an official settlement date on my house. On Friday, May 21st I will be signing the papers to make my crib…well make my crib my crib. 😀

I have been having lots of dreams lately. Not just lots of dreams, but lots of dreams that I remember. That is totally out of character for me. I can’t really complain about any of them yet. They have all been rather pleasant. I am going to keep their topics to myself just to aggrivate all my loyal readers. 😛

I took half a day tomorrow so that I can study before my exam. This will be my second to final Final. The one I have Thursday isn’t meant to be studied for, so Wednesday I will probably get some packing done and try to figure out a way to spiffy up my project a little so that I can get a 100 on it. Then after Thursday I will be done (as long as I don’t get a C in either of my classes, which I don’t foresee happening, knock on wood).

House Pictures

Wednesday, April 21st, 2004

I had a dream last night and I can actually remember it! I am going to keep the details of this dream to myself, but I will just say that it was a nice one. No it was’t dirty! Get your mind out of the gutter!

In other news, I have finally uploaded the pictures of the new house. You can get them here. I apologize for them not being in a nice format, but that would have taken time that I don’t have at the moment. I also apologize for how crappy some of them are. The lighting was really bad as you can probably tell. Enjoy.

Lots of pictures…to come.

Tuesday, April 20th, 2004

I have a lot of pictures of the house to post, but I don’t have the time to do it just yet. As soon as I do I will get them up here, so keep an eye out for them.