Motivation Monday – Elbowglitter

My good friend Megan at every Monday posts a post she titles, “Motivation Monday”. So I thought that today I would take a moment to talk about what is motivating me for the month of April.

When it comes to my health there are three components that I feel contribute to my success: diet, cross training and running. I have different motivators this month for each of these areas.

Diet – ROTE Challenge
Several of the folks over at ROTE started a challenge on It is an interesting concept where everyone puts money into a pot and has a common goal and those that achieve their goal then split what is in the pot. So you aren’t out more than you initial bet and there is more than one winner. While I recognize that the 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks is not ideal for my current body weight I still find it motivating to help me stay on my best behavior. Cross Train or Remain the Same Challenge Loop
This morning I joined a challenge on Challenge Loop put on by Heather of Through Heather’s Looking Glass. The goal of the challenge is to encourage folks that run to work Cross Training into their routines by completing at least 8 workouts this month. I have been working hard to increase my cross training with ChaLEAN Extreme, so this is the perfect motivation to help me keep those workouts up through the month of April.

My Training Plan for the Disneyland Dumbo Challenge
My next big race is not until September. I did that in purpose because I wanted to drop my mileage back and work on my base before building up for my next half marathon. I have two goals for the Dumbo Double Dare: PRing the 10K distance and doing my half marathon in sub-3 hour time. I know to do this I need to be consistent with my running and a training plan will help keep me on target. I took the Hal Higdon Intermediate Plan and modified it to make room for my ChaLEAN Extreme workouts. I know I won’t be able to stick to it 100%, but I figure it is a good guideline to keep me training safely and arrive to race day ready to make my goals.

While I know everyone is motivated by different things, races, plans and challenges help keep me moving. If you find something that keeps you moving embrace it and go with it.

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