Pain in the A….

I was going to say Ankle!  Get your head out of the gutter.  Seriously though, the past couple days my ankle has felt a little tender so I have been taking it easy.  Still hoping to get out for 10 miles tomorrow, but I am playing it by ear.  My ankle feels much better today than it did yesterday, so that is a good sign.

In the meantime I am looking forward to August when I make another trip out to Anaheim for the Disneyland Half.  I am hoping to do better time wise this year.  That will be up to mother nature though.  If she sends another humid 108 degree day at me there is only so much I can do.  I will also get a bonus medal for participating in the Disney Marathon and the Disneyland Half in the same year.  Yay!  More Bling!

You may have noticed there was not Take it and Run Thursday yesterday.  The topic was music and podcasts.  I used to run to music all the time, but with my full marathon training I actually started leaving my iPod at home.  I found that my long runs went by faster without having my music with me.  I don’t listen to Podcasts.  I just didn’t feel like there was anything I could contribute so I didn’t.  If you want to read about music and podcasts I would go check out what the others had to say.  Next week’s topic is Strength and Flexibility.  I definitely have some things to say about that.  😉

2 Responses to “Pain in the A….”

  1. KingHade Says:

    Damn… My mind was in the gutter… 🙁

    And that Flexibility joke didn’t help the matter… Damn you… 😛

  2. Jeff Says:

    Watch that ankle — need to keep the right coast of our WAA team healthy! Besides, just 2 weeks to the B&A.

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