Marathon Numero 2

I have officially decided to give the Marine Corps Marathon a try.  I looked over the route and it seems like it is one that will keep my interest and hopefully help me “beat the bridge”.  That means you have to cross the bridge after mile 19 while maintaining 14 minute miles.  That means I need to ensure the quality of my training leading up to it.  That training will include running a 10 miler, 3 half marathons and the American Odyssey Relay.

I believe the marathon will give my confidence a much needed boost to keep me on target for finishing the Goofy next year.  I am still working out my overall training plan for between now and and Goofy.  I know it is far off, but I think I am going to spend most of the year in some form of training or another so I need to have a plan laid out to keep me on track.

9 Responses to “Marathon Numero 2”

  1. ArizonaPat Says:

    Some day I’m going to do WDW and MCM. Those are great races.

  2. Jeff Says:

    Woo hoo! BCR x 2!

  3. groppigirl Says:

    I would love to do MCM some day. Good luck Katie.

  4. American Odyssey Relay Says:

    Great to hear you are planning on running the first American Odyssey Relay. Leg descriptions will be up on the website soon ( soon, so make sure to check that out.

    Also, don’t forget to become a fan of American Odyssey on Facebook.

    Good luck with all of your training and racing and we’ll see you in April!

    – American Odyssey

  5. EatDrinkRunWoman Says:

    You can do it Katie! While your “official” Goofy training won’t start for several months, you can focus on just getting in the miles now. This year’s Goofy was MUCH easier than the 2008 one, and I know it was simply the number of miles I had put on my feet.

  6. ArizonaPat Says:

    Katie, we have one more runner to complete their HM for the challenge. She’s running in Canada tomorrow. Brrr.

    Anyway, I need to get your time and a description of your gift (with pics, if possible). We have a total of 5 HM runners. You can email it to me at


  7. AndrewE Says:

    I’m planning on doing WDM one day!

  8. ArizonaPat Says:

    Katie, you get to pick second. Shanna picked my gift. You can either keep your pin or pick Shanna’s gift. go to my blog and you’ll see pictures, then let me know. I’d love to have the disney pin, but I know you worked hard to get it and if you want to keep it, I understand.

    Hope it’s warm there.

  9. JMom Says:

    Sounds awesome! Can’t wait to hear about it!

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