Archive for August, 2007

One Last Long Run

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Tomorrow I will do one last 10-miler (so it is only my second, but it is still my last :P) before my race in Disneyland.  There are just 17 days left till the race and I feel ready.  I figure next week I will run 2 5-milers and an 8 miler.  The week of the race I will probably run 2 more 5-milers and then rest.  Sunday I have the 5K and then Monday is the half.  If anyone is interested in seeing how I do you can sign up for e-mail or cell phone alerts of the race.  Just click here.  Please keep in mind that the race starts at 6 AM PST before you decide to sign up for the alerts.  I plan to run the half in 2:30, so if you get a text message at 7:30 AM waking you up on your day off to tell you I am at the half-way point it is not my fault!

Not the Best Running Week

Thursday, August 16th, 2007

This has not been the best running week for me.  I didn’t try to run until Wednesday and then only made it 2 miles before my ankle felt iffy and I needed to stop.  This morning was humid and there was a chance of thunderstorms.  Since getting struck my lightening is not on my list of life goals I decided to do a FIRM workout instead.  The humidity is supposed to drop tomorrow, so my plans are to run 5 miles tomorrow morning and then 10 on Sunday.  Saturday I can do a little yoga to keep myself stretched out.

Training Mileage Goal

Monday, August 13th, 2007

I hit my the magical 10 mile mark this weekend.  That is the mileage most people recommend you reach before running a half marathon.  The weather was perfect for it too.  It was in the 70s temperature and humidity wise, but there was a nice cooling breeze.  It only took me 5 more minutes to add the extra mile on when compared to the 9 miles I ran last week.  I plan to run 10 again this weekend then next week I will taper down to 8 before the actual half on September 3rd. 

What Not to Do

Friday, August 10th, 2007

I know it gets hot out and it can hard on runners to get out there, but there are somethings you just shouldn’t do.  Especially if you are a priest.

A Run and a Game of Tag

Thursday, August 9th, 2007

Finally got out to run this morning.  5 miles in 83 degrees and 71% humidity.  Considerably better than Tuesday.  🙂

I’ve been tagged by Formerly Fat Running Guy, so I will go ahead and fill out the little form he had on his page.  Mine will be fairly boring!

Job’s I’ve Held:
High School:NONE
College Years: Dream Scenes Salesgirl, Lead Cashier/Buisiness Machines Specialist Office Depot, Registration Clerk CCBC:Essex
Real Life: Project Controls Specialist @ Lucent, Programmer Analyst
Movies I can watch over and over: Ever After, Goonies, Neverending Story, Spiderman, X-Men
My Guilty Pleasures: 80’s Hairbands, Anything Chocolate
Places I Have Lived: Nottingham, MD and Rosedale, MD (all of a mile from each other)
Shows I Enjoy: NCIS, Big Love, Flight of the Conchords, Weeds, Dexter, Biggest Loser, Ghost Whisperer, Ace of Cakes
Places I’ve Been on Vacation (longer than a weekend): Ocean City, MD, Nashville, TN, Winter Garden, FL, Columbia, SC, Islamorada, FL, Rehobeth, DE, Bethany Beach, DE, Myrtle Beach, SC, Outer Banks, NC and soon to add Anaheim, CA (I know I am missing some from my youth)
Favorite Foods: Pizza, Cheeseburgers, Cherry Choclate Smoothies, Anything from Noodles&Company, Outback and Carrabas
Websites I Visit Daily: Pages to the right,,, CNN, WBALTV
Nicknames: RoscoeMD, K80K

If you wish to be tagged, consider yourself tagged as well.  🙂