“Sometimes there is justice.”

I stole the title from my Dad.  That was his response when I told him this story:
When I was driving to work this morning I was behind an older gentleman on “LOCAL STREET WITH LOTS OF ACCIDENTS”(don’t need any stalkers) that was going a tiny bit below the speed limit.  I wasn’t going to go around him because we didn’t have far to go.  Well a woman pulls up behind me, gets all irritated, and whips around me to start speeding up to get around us.  At this point we are at about the 2nd driveway at the warehouses.  Out comes the cop car, light flashing and pulls behind.  She just keeps right on driving.  She got stuck at the light in the turn lane.  The cop pulls up behind her, gets out and walks up to her window and I could see him say “Yeah You!”  Cracked me up.

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