Fish today…gone tomorrow.

This weekend I went out and bought some betta fish and the tank I discussed in my last post. In less than 24 hours both of the fish were dead. I am going to Petco tonight with a sample of water from the tank and the dead fish so that they can try to help me figure out what killed them. I think it was the tank. They said having them in such close proximity without them being able to get at each other can put them into a state of distress. Also from some reading I did last night the tank filter system created a bit of a current at the top of the tank which may have made it difficult for them to breath. If that is the case I am going to complain to the management that they shouldn’t advertise this tank as being betta friendly when obviously it is not. Then I am going to go somewhere else and buy some different fish for that tank. I am thinking of giving Exotic Aquatics a try. They are a fish specialty store and will hopefully find the right fish for me and my tank.

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