States Visited

create your own visited states map

I got the map thing above from Pat.  Unfortunately compared to his map mine looks rather sparse, lol.  I tried not to include states I have only driven through, which includes West Viriginia and Georgia.  I have visited Alabama, but was much too young for me to remember it now. 

3 Responses to “States Visited”

  1. KingHade Says:

    You should just fill in Georgia anyway, it looks like dumb the way it is now… 😛

  2. K80K Says:

    Georgia always brings back bad memories though. Every time we would drive through it as a kid my father would start singing…”Georgia, I’ve got Georgia on my mind…”

  3. patmonahan Says:

    I only drove thru Georgia, WV, Oklahoma and a couple others. Why would anyone stop? I may have been to NC and Mississippi, but not sure.

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